Friday, November 30, 2007

seven things

Yay I've been tagged in something called seven things by RJ so i think I'm supposed to tell seven things about me Seven Things! here are the rules.
1. Share seven random facts about yourself, in your blog.2. Include these rules.3. Link back to the person who tagged you.4. Tag seven more people and list their names & blogs. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged. Here it goes...

  • I'm obsessed with everything associated with babies but I have not bought a single thing to prepare for the upcoming birth of my child nor figured out anything ab0ut her nursery and what it should look like

  • I'm excited for christmas in NY this winter cause hopefully we'll get real snow as opposed to sleet rain like in TN last winter

  • I want a nice set of measuring spoons for christmas and Brian wants a new 50 inch flat screen TV and I think that it's perfectly ok... (that doesn't mean he's getting it of course)

  • I miss college now not for the classes but for the losing contact with so many cool's really an emotional subject for me

  • I LOVE MOTAB!!!! I could listen to them nonstop but Brian thinks it maybe harmful for the baby to listen to it as much as I (MOTAB=Mormon Tabernacle Choir)
  • I wish I knew how to crochet or knit I admire women who can spend hours with string and create masterpieces!!
  • I've become a couch potato during this pregnancy and I absolutely love it!!! (NO regrets for now at least)

I don't know very many other bloggers so I'm going to suggest that everyone that reads this blog feel free to tell 7 things about yourself and then leave me a comment telling me you did it so I can read all about you! Thanks RJ for the tag

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Hypochondra Momma

OK so it's official I am a hypochondra momma. For those of you wondering what that is it's a first time pregnant woman who thinks anything is a sign of something going wrong. (Sad I know). So this week the problem was I couldn't feel our unborn child's movement as well as I would have liked to. Last week her movement was quick paced, erratic and extremely constant. It was so annoying i felt like she wanted to kick and punch her way out. But then Sunday rolled around and it was like a complete 180 I couldn't feel her movements at all. I drank warm milk, jiggled my belly, laid still on my back after eating, and the response if any was sluggish. I immediately panicked and started reading everything I could on fetal movement. Poor Brian did everything he could to ease my fears but what does he know about carrying a baby right???? Oh well so that he wouldn't have to deal with me staying awake all night poking and prodding at my belly he urged me to call the doctors and she had me come in the following day to make sure everything was ok. During the ultrasound baby was just as active as she was the week before up to her normal kicking and punching and there was nothing that they could find that was wrong with her. Apparently she needs her resting time just as much as her mother and father do. Who would've thought that???? Certainly not hypochondra momma... OH well at least I got some more cool ultrasound pics from the visit!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Red Sox Insanity/Infatuation

This last week has been quite exciting for the Dawson family. Brian felt the baby kick for the first time, our living room walls have finally been painted, and the Redsox are playing in the World Series for the second time in 4 years, with homefield advantage!!! Soooo naturally our vacaction before the baby is born was planned to take place in Boston. Unfortunately we didn't plan to purchase tickets at 700 bucks a piece so we spent what we could on redsox gear for ourselves. I almost felt guilty but then I saw how cute Brian and I looked in the clothing and I couldn't resist! It took everything I had to resist purchasing redsox baby gear as well. I know the day will come when she'll have all the redsox paraphenalia she can stand.

The living room color was also changed by us. I picked out the color and Brian primed and painted it all so thus "WE" painted our living room... Brian's response "What is all this 'we' business?" I approved it all and he got dressed in painting clothes and used his manly muscles to get the job done so "WE" did it lol... anyways it turned out a lot nicer than we expected.

Lastly our little girl has finally gotten strong enough to be felt by the outside world... Susan, my little sister, got to feel her first. Naturally Brian wasn't to excited that he wasn't the first but when he finally did he forgot all his worries and was so excited that he called his mom to tell her that he felt his child kick... go BABY!!!

Now can you guess of all those events the one that drew the most tears for Brian??? If you guessed not having tickets to the world series game you guessed absolutely right!!! I love my Husband no one could EVER take his place!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


I don't know what to call this so for now it will be inspiration. I think blogging is really dumb but I realized that it isn't just for me I guess. family and friends who love us but are just too lazy to call us are still interested in what's going on in our lives and so why not make it easy for them to find out??? Thus the beginning of the Dawson family blog. I came to this conclusion after realizing that a good friend of mine was pregnant at the same time as me which is so cool but I didn't call her to find out because I am so lazy but I read her blog and discovered this!!!!! So for those who may wonder about us (meaning Brian, myself and our future unnamed baby girl) there will be answers to your question of "I wonder what the Dawsons are up to?"

Brian and I in Niagara Falls summer 2007