SO the biggest thing about moving here that I really have to get used to is the time change. It's 4:30 am and I am wide awake. One because of the 6 hour time delay and two because of all the roosters crowing. There are soooo many roosters and they just roam the streets and the neighborhood.
One was even in the Mcdonalds with us the other day and I thought how ironic as I was eating my chicken nuggets. I think that people keep them as pets cause I never see anybody out trying to kill them. Because that is just what I would do.... I would try to kill the rooster that is constantly crowing from 3 am to 10 am and keeping me awake. Might I also mention that it does not help that I'm already a light sleeper due to having a 2 year old and a 5 month that still nurses occasionally at night.
The time change is just funny. Daluchi was the one it was the hardest on for obvious reason. She was just getting used to her time schedule just to have it switched around again. At three in the afternoon the poor baby was soooo cranky and tired and she just kept looking around trying to figure out why it was still so light out and no one was going to bed. Her poor little face was just so desperate. I laughed about it but mostly felt bad for her.
Here's a note to all you east coasters who try to call me please wait until it's at least 1pm to call me. Don't call me when you first get up because I am not just getting up... on the other hand I probably am up because of the darn roosters! Good Morning (I'm going back to bed)
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